Nicole Thomas
Nicole Thomas, RN, MSN, CCM, LCN
Nicole Thomas INC.
As an accomplished Nurse, healthcare professional, educator, & strategist, Nicole Thomas is known for her ability to help individuals reach their ordained level of success as healthcare professionals all while ensuring it aligns with THEIR purpose as a healthcare professional. Nicole founded Nicole Thomas INC., an educational & empowerment firm that focuses on assisting female healthcare professionals to awaken their God-given purpose as a healthcare professional. She is also the co-owner of Louisiana Healthcare Services, a primary care family practice clinic in a disadvantaged area of Baton Rouge.
Nicole has lead as a manager & associate director, for Fortune 500 companies in the area of medical & clinical operations, a team of nurses, nurse practitioners, & allied health professionals that were challenged to go deeper into their “job” roles resulting in all personnel going on to successfully further their education in healthcare, advancing to other roles within their respective organizations, or opening their own businesses.
In addition to being a Master’s prepared Registered Nurse & Certified Case Manager, Nicole utilizes her 11- years of leadership, healthcare expertise, clinical knowledge, and business acumen to provide healthcare consulting services through her company “Impact Nurse Consulting” as well as serving as the president of a Non-Profit Organization, “Black Nurses Rock-Baton Rouge Chapter”.