
Speaker Bio

erika-m-diggs's picture
Erika McConduit-Diggs
President & CEO/Urban League of Greater New Orleans

Erika McConduit-Diggs, Esq. currently serves as the President and CEO of the Urban League of Greater New Orleans.Dedicated to ensuring economic equity, Ms. McConduit-Diggs works deeply in workforce and economic development, and has served as a member of Louisiana Governor’s economic development transition team. Ms. McConduit-Diggs is also heavily engaged in the city and state’s education reform, advocating for quality early learning through post-secondary. In this capacity, she has served on numerous committees including Mayor Landrieu’s Education Task Force, Louisiana State Superintendent of Education John White’s Student Task Force as co-chair, and the Recovery School District’s Charter Application Task Force.  Additionally, Ms. McConduit-Diggs serves as Co-Chair of the National Urban League’s Education Task Force.