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As President of the National Urban League since 2003, Marc Morial has been the primary catalyst...Read more
J. Howard Henderson, President & CEO of the Greater Baltimore Urban League, has an...Read more
Tony Allen leads the corporate reputation group at Bank of America. His team develops and...Read more
Gary A. Douglas serves as President of Nationwide National Partners, an organization designed to...Read more
Sean Suggs was named vice president of manufacturing at Toyota Mississippi in December 2015. In...Read more
Daniel Beaty is an award-winning actor, singer, writer, composer and poet. Beaty is known for...Read more
Laysha Ward is executive vice president and chief corporate social responsibility officer for...Read more
The State of the Urban League Address during the 2016 National Urban League Conference at New Shiloh Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland, Wednesday, August 3, 2016.